

Meetup #11

October 26 at 6PM GMT+2

Online event

Advance your career with Google Developer Experts!


the recordings


Angular Meetup #11
Angular Meetup #11
October 26, 2023
6:00 pm

Beginning of the livestream

Mateusz Stefańczyk – Angular.love Contributor & Team Leader at House of Angular
6:10 pm

There’s Safety in Angular

J. Alisa Duncan – Google Developer Expert

When you use Angular, you know you’ve got a best-in-class framework with all the bells and whistles at your fingertips. But did you know Angular is also a cozy blanket that keeps you safe and secure? Businesses with a security breach in 2021 average over $8 million in remediation, and it can permanently damage their brand. The 2021 OWASP Top 10 list includes broken access control and web injection exploits in their top 3 security risks. This talk will cover web vulnerabilities, risks posed by exposing sensitive information, and how Angular has your back so you can rest easy.

6:35 pm

Modular Monoliths with Nx

Stefan Haas – Angular Expert

This talk highlights how Angular monoliths can be modularized such that we end up with a scalable architecture. In detail, we will cover Nx, Module Boundaries and the Enterprise Monorepo Pattern.

7:00 pm

Demystifying Advanced TypeScript Concepts behind NgRx APIs

Marko Stanimirović – Google Developer Expert

In this talk, we'll delve into the world of generics, template literals, conditional and recursive types, function overloading, and more! By reverse engineering popular NgRx APIs, we will demystify advanced TypeScript concepts and explore their practical applications.

7:35 pm




J. Alisa Duncan​

Google Developer Expert

Alisa Duncan is a Senior Developer Advocate at Okta, a full-stack developer, content creator, conference speaker, Pluralsight author, and community builder who loves the thrill of learning new things. She is a Google Developer Expert in Angular, a Women Techmaker Ambassador, a ngGirls core team member, and a volunteer at community events supporting underrepresented groups entering tech. When not coding or volunteering, you can find her cooking, watching K-Dramas, or drinking a glass of wine.

Stefan Haas ​

Angular Expert

Stefan is a freelancer and trainer focusing on Angular and he is from Austria. He is the author of NG Journal – the place beyond fundamentals – and he is an Nx Champion.

Marko Stanimirović ​

Google Developer Expert

Marko is a Principal Frontend Engineer at Swiss Marketplace Group. He is also a core member of the NgRx and AnalogJS teams, a Google Developer Expert in Angular, and an organizer of the Angular Belgrade group. Marko actively contributes to open-source software, shares knowledge through technical articles and talks, and enjoys playing the guitar. He holds a Master of Science in Software Engineering from the University of Belgrade.



This  is going to be our 11th Angular Meetup! We have been organising this event since 2021 in association with Angular Warsaw and NG Poland.


Our meetups give developers the chance to meet fellow Angular enthusiasts and discuss all things Angular. They often feature Google Developer Experts such as Nir Kaufman and Fanis Prodromou and give attendees the opportunity to gain unique knowledge.
Gain Professional Tips

Get practical tips on your own projects. Find out how to tackle challenges you face in your work through informative lectures, live coding, and access to case studies.

Learn from Experts

Listen to the biggest experts in the Angular world. Meet Angular Developers or Google Developer Experts at every meetup and talk about anything you'd like to learn about.

Create Angular Community

Contribute to the development of the Angular community. Participate in Angular discussions on the latest cutting-edge topics, give feedback on lectures, and meet people like you.



angular.love is a place for all Angular enthusiasts created to inspire and educate. It’s a community of passionate people who share their knowledge and support others by providing them with the best practices and tips. This is the place where Angular lives.

We support the worldwide Angular Community by organizing Angular meetups and running a blog angular.love dedicated to sharing Angular news and knowledge.

We are proud to have won two Angular Awards. In 2021, we won “Angular Hero of Community” and in 2022, we won “Angular Hero of Education” at the largest Angular conference in Poland, NG Poland.







The Angular Meetup has already taken place. Sign up for the meetup newsletter, and we’ll let you know about the next event!

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